Rabu, 28 September 2011

Precious Time is Precious

..time to sleep, in my case.

Back in the day, waktu TPB (tahun pertama kuliah di ITB), gw termasuk anak yang berkecukupan dalam hal tidur. Bahkan gw punya tempat favorit buat tidur siang sehabis kuliah, yaitu di teras depan kamar kosan temen gw. (aneh ya? ya, tertawalah, go on, laugh). Dibilang favorit karena dengan konfigurasi kursi panjang yang demikian (tempat gw tidur siang berbantalkan tas) kalo terlentang, gw bisa lihat langit yang biru cerah dengan indahnya, karena tepat deket teras itu ada atap yang terbuka.

[What's the big deal 'bout the wide blue sky? I like skies. The clean blue afternoon sky, the vibrant sunset, the bleak dusk or the gloomy cloudy sky, I enjoy them all. But while those all enjoyable, those all also,well, as I stated implicitly in the previous post, set my mood easily.]

Saat ini, kesempatan untuk itu semakin langka. Bahkan, waktu tidur malam juga semakin lama semakin termakan. Oleh tugas, kegiatan, hiburan. Mungkin tiap hari paling banyak juga cuma 5 jam kuliah, tapi berbagai tugas, proyek, dan kegiatan organisasi memakan sisanya sampai ludes. 

Sometimes I miss those easy days at TPB, but I know that going forward has its price. 

Selasa, 27 September 2011

It's raining so hard today

..And here I am, trapped in my room. Has not eaten yet, while to go outside is to wet yourself thoroughly, because it's raining so hard out there.

It's been awhile since Bandung has rain like this. Finally, the wet season comes. Which is weird, because it's already late September. 
Not that I really care though. 

Every season has its difficulties. In dry season, even if you take all yer clothes, it's still feel hot. In wet season, while the cold air can be handled by thick clothes, it's still a nuisance that you almost, well, has to be wet (it's wet season after all..) all the time. Umbrellas and raincoats doesn't help much, especially here in Bandung, where the rains almost always get a little stormy. Moreover, going outside became much more difficult with all that pourings and bleak visibility. And, not to forget, that damned gloomy-looking sky.

Guess I'll have to cope with this damned rain before I can go out to eat. If it hits 9pm, though, I think I'll just grab some snacks or an instant noodle at Alfamart and eat inside my room.

Senin, 26 September 2011

Waw! My second blog!

So it is on a quiet night in my room, while I'm recovering from my common cold, and wondering about whether I will attend class tomorrow, that I had this idea struck on my head (CTARRR!!!):

Hummm kayaknya enak juga ya kalo kumpulan coret2an gw selama ini gw coba pos dan gw jabarin maknanya, daripada teronggok sia2 di samping teks2 catetan (..dan kali2 aj ad yang tertarik..? Well, that's a dim chance, but oh well..)

Eniwei, ini bukan blog pertama gw. Blog pertama gw buat waktu SMA sebagai tugas komputer, dan sekarang udah gone to obscurity. Like I care. I didn't really care about my first blog. It's not from my own will.

This is my 2nd blog. Hope it will survive longer. So now, let's fill it with much void tears and shallow smiles, will I?